We stop Communicating
Communication is one of the most critical skills couples need for healthy relationships. Along with compromise and commitment, communication represents one of the 3 C’s required for a healthy marriage. When communication fails, the relationship becomes exceptionally vulnerable. Emotional pain, unmet needs and resentments often underlie these communication problems. When this occurs, some individuals will take on numerous activities as a means to avoid interaction with their partner as often while others simply shut down and internalize. Still others become expressive and angry resulting in dysfunctional communications. Regardless of the coping style, each reflects the absence of a valuable tool needed to strengthen a relationship.
Each of us has a degree of self-preservation. You naturally seek protective barriers to preserve who you are, what you believe in, and the things you desire. But when self-preservation interferes with the ability to effectively speak to your partner, your marriage may be sacrificed in the process. Couples who fight for their marriage learn to look past self-preservation instincts while adopting an attitude of greater humility and an ability to express deeper emotions and hurts. With these shifts, communication abilities can be reclaimed leading to relationship healing and hopefully success. While embracing this process through couple’s therapy is often not easy, it is certainly worthwhile. Not only can better communication teach you more about yourself and your partner, but it can also recreate an environment of trust, openness, and respect that is so important for marriages.